It’s podcast time…

It’s podcast time…

With a little more time on our hands at home you now have the perfect opportunity to enjoy one of the many incredible podcasts out there. Autumn afternoons are perfect for curling up in a sunny spot with a cup of tea and sinking into an absorbing narrative or stimulating discussion as you look out over the bird feeder.

Adventure is out there!

Adventure is out there!

When you’re young the school holidays can seem to stretch out forever – for better and for worse. It’s true too for parents, with the kids sometimes needing an inspiring journey to alleviate boredom. Make sure they’re a ‘box of birds’ with a quest out into one of New Zealand’s many, many incredible wildlife adventures.

5 natural gift ideas

5 natural gift ideas

‘Tis the season for giving. However, unfortunately, ‘tis also the season for creating waste. It’s when twinkling lights, cheerful music and the unconscious desire to see piles of gifts under the tree can spur us on to make thoughtless or rushed decisions purchases for our loved ones.

Returning to the nest

Returning to the nest

We often talk about what it means to welcome wild birds into the family.
What better time to think about what this actually means than the holiday season, when many kiwi families are flying back to reunite with their loved ones?

Caring for the kororā

Caring for the kororā

Every year it seems we hear of yet another disastrous event that affects our local kororā population. From dog and cat predators to choking on plastic, oil spills to overfishing, the threats against this small sea birds are plentiful. Here’s how you can help protect them…