D.I.Y your H.A.Y

Scratching around for something to do over the last few days of the school holidays? From a box to some socks, sticks to baskets, here are some great DIY rabbit feeders that are fun for the whole family to make…

Spring has almost sprung

Spring has almost sprung

With warmer weather and more sunlight now is the time to plan and plant in the backyard. There’s plenty of good company in the garden too. Your feathered friends will be busy nest building, breeding and feeding their young chicks.

Song birds

Song birds

We were inspired by our lock down ‘silver lining’ to undertake the auditory equivalent of bird watching online – listening for songs that included birdsong. Check out our list here…

D.I.Y for F.L.Y

D.I.Y for F.L.Y

Lockdown has taught us plenty about making do with less as those junk drawers, recycling bins and to-be-sorted piles became fodder for all kinds of craft projects. Now there’s still a little time to go with many families in isolation and, as the weather gets colder, our local birdlife is looking to gain weight for the winter ahead.