Winter is coming…

Winter is coming…

Now we’re in the depths of autumn it’s important to look after your place for the people (and birds) that live there. Yes, it’s time to keep an eagle eye on your property, and to get your ducks in a row, before the chickens come home to roost…

Splish splash

Splish splash

Feel like you’re missing out when some of the shyer New Zealand birds never seem to make an appearance in your backyard? Sometimes all they need is a little coaxing with some fresh, cool water from an equally fresh and cool birdbath.

Heart soaring

Heart soaring

Every now and then we get feedback on a product. We’re happy to say it’s nearly always positive. Very occasionally it’s negative and we’ll need to work to make it right with our customer. And sometimes… sometimes it’s just absolutely heartwarming…



Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Wait… oh yes, it’s a bird. Here are our five favourite high-flying heroes. Who did we miss?

Discomfort food

Discomfort food

Tragic news of a kākā chick’s death in Auckland highlights the need for wider education on what’s appropriate as food for our wild birds. Here’s why it’s problem – and what you can do about it.