Birdsong (remix)

Birdsong (remix)

A few months ago we put together a playlist on Spotify filled with our favourite songs that contained birdsong. It turns out we’re not the only ones who appreciate the combination of human and avian music. Now an album is being put out to support the conservation efforts of vulnerable birds in Central America.

Neighbourhood watch

Neighbourhood watch

It’s nationwide. It’s extremely helpful for our conservation efforts. And it’s on again this week! The New Zealand Garden Bird Survey is on in 2020 from the 27th of June to the 5th of July.

D.I.Y for F.L.Y

D.I.Y for F.L.Y

Lockdown has taught us plenty about making do with less as those junk drawers, recycling bins and to-be-sorted piles became fodder for all kinds of craft projects. Now there’s still a little time to go with many families in isolation and, as the weather gets colder, our local birdlife is looking to gain weight for the winter ahead.